National Manufacturing Institute Scotland leadership team bolstered with CEO appointment

John Reid NMIS CEO


The National Manufacturing Institute Scotland has announced that John Reid has been appointed as Chief Executive Officer to lead the growth and development of the world-leading group of industry-led manufacturing research and development facilities at the heart of the Advanced Manufacturing Innovation District Scotland led by Renfrewshire Council.

John will take up position in August after successfully leading the Michelin-Scotland Innovation Parc (MSIP) in Dundee. Prior to leading MSIP John held the position of General Manager at the Michelin tyre plant on the same site.

He first started at Michelin’s UK headquarters in Stoke-on-Trent before spending time at Michelin in France. John moved to Dundee in 1992 as a Production Manager and went on to hold numerous roles including personnel manager and operations manager before leading the plant.

In recent times, John was one of the original members of the independent advisory body, the Fair Work Convention, a member of the Scottish Apprenticeship Advisory Board and a Director of the Centre for Engineering Education and Development.

John’s appointment further strengthens the leadership team for the group, which includes the new flagship facility being built next to Glasgow Airport that was recently granted planning permission by Renfrewshire Council.

Earlier this year NMIS welcomed Sarah Jardine as Chief Operating Officer from leading medical technology company, Optos and Chris Dungey as Research Director from prominent manufacturing research and innovation centre, The Welding Institute (TWI).

This followed the appointments of Helen Lightbody as Chief Operating Officer for the Advanced Forming Research Centre (AFRC), the only High Value Manufacturing Catapult centre in Scotland, and Iain Bomphray as Director of the Lightweight Manufacturing Centre (LMC) last year. The AFRC and LMC are specialist technology centres within the NMIS Group.

NMIS is set to transform skills, productivity and innovation in Scotland by strengthening links between industry, academia and the public sector. The nucleus of the group will be a fully digitalised factory of the future, skills academy and collaboration hub that will bring manufacturers together to work on the development of innovative new technologies and products. It will support manufacturing and engineering firms of all sizes and from all sectors across the country, and internationally, to innovate and grow their businesses.

NMIS is operated by the University of Strathclyde and supported by Scottish Government, Scottish Enterprise, Highlands and Islands Enterprise, High Value Manufacturing Catapult, Skills Development Scotland, Scottish Funding Council and Renfrewshire Council.

Fiona Hyslop, Cabinet Secretary for Economy, said:

I would like to congratulate John Reid on his appointment to the role of Chief Executive of the National Manufacturing Institute Scotland.

"The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has created some exceptionally challenging conditions for the whole economy, and manufacturing is no exception. The crisis has also underlined just how crucial a strong, innovative and diverse manufacturing sector is for Scotland, with many manufacturers supplying vital equipment for the health and social care response. Under John’s leadership, the work of the NMIS will be an absolutely crucial element of Scotland’s integrated system of support for the sector as we seek to protect its long-term prospects, and ensure we have vibrant manufacturing industries for future generations.


Welcoming John’s appointment and that of the others in the leadership team, Professor Sir Jim McDonald, Principal and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Strathclyde, said:

John’s appointment represents a significant development for the National Manufacturing Institute Scotland. Together with his leadership team, he will support the transformation of Scotland’s manufacturing and engineering community, targeting global leadership in advanced manufacturing systems and technology.

"As a world-leading technological University with a rich heritage of engineering successes and the anchor University for NMIS, Strathclyde is working with industry, academic and public sector partners to build the future of manufacturing in Scotland. We are transforming the workforce, developing ground-breaking technologies and processes in order to bring about increased levels of economic growth.


Linda Hanna, Managing Director at Scottish Enterprise, commented:

John brings his deep experience and leadership skills to NMIS, which will undoubtedly help build strong collaborative relationships with industry, wider academia and the public sector.

"NMIS has a vital role to play in supporting Scotland’s manufacturers - especially SMEs - to transform their operations and become more agile, competitive and innovative, which has never been more relevant given the impact of COVID-19 on businesses.


Newly appointed CEO of NMIS, John Reid, said:

As someone who has dedicated his entire career so far to the development of large scale manufacturing in Scotland, I’m honoured and delighted to have this opportunity to be part of a talented team with the sole focus of driving and supporting the development of advanced manufacturing in Scotland. A mission that is now even more important as the world economy finds new ways of working and recovers from the impact of Covid-19.

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