What is the DPMC?
An NMIS specialist technology centre based at i3 in North Ayrshire. We're transforming the region’s industrial landscape and the future of the UK’s process industries.
Try new and emerging technologies from robotics to 5G, analytics and using the cloud. Build vital skills through our Manufacturing Skills Academy.
From fish processing to chemicals manufacture and distilling, we're here to help future-proof your business and your workforce.
How we can help
We're here for you if you're in pharmaceuticals, oil and gas, food and drink, chemicals, water or the fast-moving commercial goods industries. Our goal is simple: improving your productivity, compliance, and carbon footprint using new and emerging digital technologies.

Digital Demonstration Laboratory
An Aladdin's cave of digital technology. Benefit from hands-on experience of industry 4.0 technologies to turbo-charge decision-making and business performance.
650m2 of research space providing practical demonstrations of control systems, manufacturing execution systems, operational technologies, augmented and virtual reality, paperless systems, training, performance management, data visualisation techniques and more.

A space for industry engagement
A meeting space for networking and collaboration. Enjoy opportunities to share best practices and witness real-world applications of digital strategies.
You can also connect with potential R&D project industry partners and consortiums in response to funding calls.

Leadership and digital strategy development
A successful digital strategy requires knowledgeable leaders who will confidently drive the required culture change and organisational development.
At the DPMC we’re providing education, training and support as well as stimulating networking across local leadership teams.

Training the next generation of workers
Our partners are ideally placed to help businesses tap into skills and training support.
Whether it's through the NMIS Manufacturing Skills Academy, the University of Strathclyde, or other relevant funding programmes and enterprise agencies – we're helping to futureproof the process industries and their workers.
Technical capabilities to help you succeed
We looked at what businesses within the process manufacturing industries really need. In response, we're providing the below technical capabilities, including expertise and equipment.
- Robots and collaborative robots for specific handling processes
- Automated processes that are currently manual or semi-automatic
- Process engineering and controls
- Product and package handling
- Autonomous vehicles for site and plant transportation
- Automation solutions integrated with layout changes
Computer based tools
- Modelling and simulation software
- Automated complex decision-making
- Artificial Intelligence tools
- Software or tools to support energy management, and power issues
- Stock control and asset management
- Barcode reading and data transfer
- Visual presentation of key data
Digital data management
- Data integration, sharing, communication and presentation
- Cloud computing
- Data storage and management
- Big data and data analytics
- Moving towards paperless operations
- Data mining
Digital enhancement of capital equipment tools, processes and technology
- Machine learning and self-diagnosis
- Preventative maintenance
- Business model development – servitisation of equipment
- Digital and automated calibration, measurements, testing
- Sensors and interconnecting sensors/equipment
- RFID track & trace
Next generation digital developments
- 5G platforms
- Ubiquitous connectivity (combining digital and satellite technology)
- Blockchain technology
- Cybersecurity
- Gaming technology transfer to manufacturing (‘gamification’)
Next generation digital developments
- Virtual reality (VR)tools and suite
- Augmented reality (AR) tools and suite/laboratory
- Application development for VR/AR

Courses at the Manufacturing Skills Academy
Develop your digital skills, swot up on strategy or learn more about remanufacturing with the Manufacturing Skills Academy.
Learn more and apply with the National Transition Training Fund project