

Sudelac is an Aberdeen based upstream oil and gas service sector business. It provides products and services for oil well construction through to abandonment.

Based on its vast experience of oil well decommissioning, the firm devised an innovative product that could save the sector significant time, money and manpower during the costly well abandonment process.

What challenges did Sudelac face?

Looking to validate its product design, Sudelac approached the Oil and Gas Technology Centre (OGTC) for further advice and support. The OGTC works with organisations to develop technologies that solve key industry challenges.

It provided access to funding and identified the AFRC as the ideal innovation partner for the project.

The key to overcoming the customer challenge was supporting Sudelac with the relevant expertise to help it progress through the technology readiness levels so that it can take its product to market.

How did the ARFC help?

At the AFRC we understand the challenges of delivering an innovative new product. We also benefit from access to great networks within the oil and gas industry, including our relationship with the OGTC.

Sudelac had developed a product prototype and required support to determine its operational parameters and product design, making use of our materials and process modelling expertise. We used our finite element analysis (FEA) capability to develop a process model.

This provided us with key data indicating how the finished product would operate under certain real-life conditions.

Working with the AFRC provided us with the vital data about our product that will help us to take the project forward with better understanding and further confidence in our offering. The combination of both OGTC and AFRC support was incredibly helpful as both quickly grasped what we're trying to achieve and helped us get there. 

Paul Howlett
Founder, Sudelac